Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We’re Fawked!

Stop the world, I want to get off. Time is flyin by (I’m far too young to say things like that!). Just lock me in a room with a cup a’ Horlicks and Ireland’s Eye if I come out with ‘Won’t feel it now till the Christmas’. But it’s true. The evenings have drawn in, the days are Baltic over here with rows over whose wearing whose gloves ringing in my ears like a broken record each morning. Guy Fawkes weekend came and went in a blaze of fireworks. The local schools partnership put on a fine display, our crew well impressed. I was at a Slane concert half steamed the first time I experienced fireworks for real. There’s nothing like a few pyrotechnics to remind us of Mr Fawkes, a recusant Catholic, whose coup d’etat was scuppered back in the day, God help us. Those in power put him on the bold step, 1600’s still, so he was hung drawn and quartered with his parts distributed around the country (wonder did recipients have to sign for them?). Lovely, very musical. Thus last weekend every Fido and Fluffy in the town could be found cowering under the bed with their paws over their ears as the night sky snap, crackled and popped. Now speaking of dogs, this surely is a nation of dog lovers. Their proud owners look after them, train them and wait for it...actually clean up after them. They walk to heal and do what their told. It is commendable. Sometimes I think the dogs’ personalities are similar to their owners i.e. groomed, well mannered, routined, conservative and prone to wearing quilted green jackets when the weather’s a bit nippy. You won’t see a vet here with the poor mouth, that’s for sure.
As we all go about our daily routines it feels sometimes that some of the people here live in a bubble. With talk of imminent welfare cuts and students rioting it goes over many heads. There is some talk, for sure, but these stringent slashes will not affect the X5ers in the Home Counties. Probably affect their cleaners though. Here, the vast majority of cuts to the civil service will be made in the north, allegedly, but I guess that depends on which paper you read. I listen to RTE Radio 1 and read the papers with the grimacing reports of economic turmoil at home and what’s to be done by the two Brians, to sort out the catastrophe they got us into. Maybe it is time lads, to grab the hammer and break open the pension piggy bank. There was a two page spread in The Guardian recently, a ‘where did it all go wrong’ about our economic failings and of the pain, anxiety and misery people are going through in Ireland. We are the misbehaving student outside the head’s office awaiting punishment, that’s what our relationship feels like with Europe at the moment. And the real bullies, the bond holders, continue to call the shots, manipulating and dictating. It’s the uncertainty of it all that’s the killer. And those that do have money are not spending. So if your lucky enough to have a few bob, don’t be shy, spend away, put it back into the economy. Plough on and enjoy the little things cause if we ponder the bigger long term questions, the whys and wherefores of impending decisions our minds will become a very dark place. So ‘nothing to be done’ but KHL! 

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