Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Flus and Festives

If Carlsberg did know the rest. First I got it. It took me down. Then the kids got it, well the women so far. This past week it’s been like having different children in the house, the bodysnatchers have been here.  Both my girls have been floored by this flu that’s invaded the school. There were ten children missing in their class today. They missed their school disco, their choir concert. It lingers now with the Youngest. Stuck to the bed she’d sleep for Ireland at the best of times but this is different, no chat at all, no energy, lifeless.  All you want is for them to get better, it breaks your heart. As a parent you would take all the unpleasant feelings away and suffer yourself. I have been marooned at home for over a week now with one or both and this evil viral flu. At least you’d get out for a few hours during the day in prison. And they wouldn’t keep playin the same movie over and over again. Well maybe they would, it is a form of torture after all. Now I’m a big fan of Jack Black but there are only so many times I can watch School of Rock.

Nevertheless, despite the mountain of tissues, packets of Lemsip, spoons of honey, cough bottle, flat 7up, snot, moans, groans, aches and pains Himself put the tree up. Dragged it in and scratched his head at the lights that didn’t work. There was a bread knife taken to the bottom bit, health and safety all important in this house. Now if we had a cat to swing he’d be dead, it’s like Narnia in the sitting room. We eat our breakfast amongst the spruce. Each year you dig out the old decorations, up to the attic or out to the garage. I cannot help but be melancholy for Christmases past. I cannot but think of our old house at home, the enjoyable Christmases we spent there. Each year the tree changes a little, from being bottom heavy with baubles and bits to now chock full around the middle as the children get taller. The excitement of the lights going on is still there, even with all the electric accoutrement they play with. And now the countdown is surely on. Seven more big sleeps before we get the ferry from Holyhead. Please God we will all be well. Christmases past, when they were babies, there was always a trip to Westdoc, par for the course. I cannot wait to see everyone again, to back meself into a warm fire. Bring it on...cooling ham, wonderful kitchen smells, glass of Bulmers and mince pies for Santa (Christmas Eve in Clonmel) , bleary and bright eyed a sea of shredded wrapping paper Christmas morning, Quality Street and Harry Potter, boxes of Tayto and Gladiator, the company of family and snoozing on the couch. The simple pleasures! 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Shares in Lemsip

My body has been kidnapped by the flu, never had it before. I don’t think I’ve ever been this sick. Temperature off the Richter, the sweats, joints felt like they had been kicked and punched, my chest filled with daggers. Now on day 7 I am beginning to sound like Marian Finucane all husky and chesty. Soooooo fed up. My two girls who are pegged out on the couch, they have been taken over by the evil virus also. Went to the doctor this morning but it’s viral so really there is nothing to be done but run its course. We left our mark, the Youngest threw up on the carpet in the surgery. They have a thing about carpets here, who in all fairness would put a carpet in a doctor’s surgery? And to top it all I have a number of assignments due in, including statistics (the mere mention of the word makes my skin crawl) which I don’t understand, have no interest in completing so I am not in a good place right now. I don’t have the patience to be a good patient. This whole sick business doesn’t suit me. Of course, it all kicked off when Himself was away with work in Florida. It is a man’s world after all. Usually it’s one or all of the kids who get sick when he is away. Not this time, just little ole me. He missed his Christmas do last night, because we were sick. There was huffing and puffing and sulking, the tux all forlorn on the hanger, unused. Face...bovvered. Just want my body back. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Proud as punch

There are moments that you treasure, for always.  The memory and its lasting feeling is saved away. For, if and when you think of it, in murky times, your heart is topped up with the good stuff. Tonight I have saved away one of those. At the Thame Christmas Festival of Music our Middle got up, in front of a packed audience of a couple of hundred parents, teachers, pupils, band, sound system, mics and sang  ‘Away in a Manger’. Unaccustomed, unplanned,  unrehearsed and  unexpected.  My heart was in my mouth. Gone wrong with shock and nerves. To be honest, it could have gone either way with the last few weeks she has had in school. There could have been a dramatic dash from the stage in a shower of tears when she realised she was the only one up there. But, she stayed and sang beautifully with her sweet innocent voice, so sure she could do it. Oh lads, I’m so proud. More importantly, she’s so proud of herself. I hope she will look to this treasured memory and great experience, especially the applause, as the years go on, and gain from it.